“All You Are”

Director: Nico Poalillo
Prod: Los York
EP: Leticia Gurjao
Talent: Syra McCarthy
DOP: Paul Theodoroff
1st AC: Erick Aguilar
2nd AC: Bryam Aguilar
Gaffer: Tristan Moffat
Swing: Travis Moffatt
KG: Marc Polanski
Swing: Riley Polanski
Audio: Gabe Sayer
PA: Valerie Lam
FPV: Lightcraft
Drone Pilot: Nikolay Anishchenko
Prod: Los York
EP: Leticia Gurjao
Talent: Syra McCarthy
DOP: Paul Theodoroff
1st AC: Erick Aguilar
2nd AC: Bryam Aguilar
Gaffer: Tristan Moffat
Swing: Travis Moffatt
KG: Marc Polanski
Swing: Riley Polanski
Audio: Gabe Sayer
PA: Valerie Lam
FPV: Lightcraft
Drone Pilot: Nikolay Anishchenko
Drone Tech: Caden McMahon
LP: Matt Rudge
PM: Blaine Moore
Camera House: CSLA
Post: Forager
Post EP: Ali Webb
Post Producer: Julianne Augustine
Editor: Cavan Faucett
Score: David Chapdelaine
VFX: Carlos Morales
Sound: Christian Stropko
Color House: The Mill
Color Producer: Denise Brown
Colorist: Paul Yacono
LP: Matt Rudge
PM: Blaine Moore
Camera House: CSLA
Post: Forager
Post EP: Ali Webb
Post Producer: Julianne Augustine
Editor: Cavan Faucett
Score: David Chapdelaine
VFX: Carlos Morales
Sound: Christian Stropko
Color House: The Mill
Color Producer: Denise Brown
Colorist: Paul Yacono